Na Leonard Murunga

Wanafunzi waliopata uja uzito na kupewa fursa ya kuendeleza masomo yao baada ya kujifungua katika kauti ya Kakamega, wamehimizwa kutia bidii kwenye masomo yao ili waweze kujikimu maishani siku za usoni.

Akizungumza katika hafla iliyowaleta pamoja wanafunzi ambao wanafadhiliwa na wakfu wake wa Janet Barasa, Bi. Barasa ambaye ni mke wa gavana wa Kakamega Fernandes Barasa, amewahimiza wazazi hao wachanga kuwa kielelezo katika jamii.

“Mna wajibu wa kutia bidii masomoni, alisema Bi. Barasa.

Kauli yake iliungwa mkono na Afisa Mkuu wa Elimu, Sayansi na Teknologia katika kaunti ya Kakamega Vivian Ayuma.

Ayuma ameitaka serikali kudhibiti matumizi ya mitandao ambayo mara nyingi inachangia watoto kuingia katika mitego mbali mbali, huku akihimiza viongozi wa kidini, walimu, wazazi pamoja na jamii kwa ujumla kuwa kwenye mstari wa mbele kuwaongoza kimaadili watoto.

Kwa upande wao, Dorothy Okemo na Mary Makokha wanaoshirikiana na wakfu wa Janet Barasa, wamesema kuwa ushirikiano huo ni wa kusaidia jamii ili kupunguza na kuzuia visa vya mimba za mapema miongoni mwa wanafunzi wa kike.

Wameitaka serikali kuwakabili ipasavyo, washukiwa wa visa vya dhuluma za kijinsia katika jamii.

By Leonard Murunga

Teen mothers, given an opportunity to proceed with their education in Kakamega County, have been encouraged to work hard for a bright and better future.

Addressing teen mothers during an event organised by her Janet Barasa Foundation, Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa’s spouse, Janet Barasa said they can only become role models in the community if they excel in their studies.

"Girls who got this opportunity should work hard in school,” said the Kakamega County First Lady.

She called on relevant government agencies to regulate the use of social media, while encouraging parents, teachers and religious leaders to be at the forefront of providing proper counsel to school going children.  

"Our children watch a lot of things on the internet and they want to experiment. I ask parents to help our children stick to our values,” she appealed.

Founded in 2023, the Janet Barasa Foundation supports teen mothers to access secondary and tertiary education.

On other hand, Dorothy Okemo, CEO of the Access to Medicines Platforms Organization which partners with the Foundation, said that there is a need for the community to join hands in the fight against the menace of early pregnancy in the country

“Girls deserve a chance to complete education. This program is close to our heart because it aligns with the work we do which is to really protect the rights and entitlement of girls and women in Western Kenya,” stated Okemo.

She called for arrest and prosecution of perpetrators of sexual gender-based violence.


According to the Demographic and Health Survey 2023, about 34 percent of women have experienced physical violence since age 15, while 13 percent of women have experienced sexual violence at some point in their lives.

On her part, Mary Makokha, CEO Rural Education and Economic Enhancement Program (REEP) in Butula, Busia County urged parents of teenagers not to hide their children whenever they get pregnant.

She added that the high rate of pregnancy in Busia County and the country, is as a result of parents neglecting their duties, such as buying sanitary pads for the girl child.


By Jabali Media 

Kenyans have been warned against handling and consumption of bushmeat, in war against spread of the Mpox (monkeypox) disease.

According to experts, bushmeat is the meat from wildlife species that are hunted for human consumption.

While sounding the warning on Saturday, tourism Cabinet Secretary (CS) said handling and consumption of bushmeat has a high potential transmission from animals to humans.

“This entreaty comes in the wake of reports of cases of Mpox affection in the country. Though reported cases are isolated thus far, the prevailing situation, nonetheless, foreshadows a potential eruption if cautionary counsel from experts goes unheeded,” said the CS.

“In this day and age of dire consequences of extreme climate change ebb and flow, host-vector-pathogen dynamics are likely to result in unprecedented disease emergence and re-emergence, thus making the call to stay away from bushmeat urgent,” added CS Miano.

Her warning comes on the backdrop of the fact that recent emergence of zoonotic diseases, such as Ebola and other viral infections, has been closely linked to the consumption of bushmeat, highlighting the dire consequences of such practices

“The wide range of possible afflictions heralded by handling or consumption of bushmeat alone is ample reason for all responsible Kenyans to completely avoid any incautious dalliance with wildlife now and in the future,” stated the CS.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported a second confirmed case of the disease in the country.

“The patient, an adult male truck driver, was identified at the Malaba One Stop Border Post in Busia County, showing symptoms after travelling from the outbreak epicentre in DRC,” health CS Debrah Mlongo Barasa stated in a statement.

The first case was reported towards the end of July, 2024.

Confirmation of the second case saw the Principal Secretary for Public Health and Professional Standards, Mary Muthoni, make an impromptu visit to the Suam one-stop border post in Trans Nzoia County, to evaluate its readiness in light of the MPox outbreak.

She reviewed the current screening and surveillance measures, the deployment of health personnel, and the effectiveness of public health messaging at the border.

PS Muthoni emphasised the importance of robust preparedness to manage any potential cases and urged travellers and the public to follow Ministry of Health guidelines and report any symptoms immediately.

By Kevin Barasa

A sombre mood has engulfed Lela village in East Yimbo location, Bondo, Siaya County, following the tragic death of two children.

The minors were killed when the wall of an abandoned house collapsed on them.

Collins Obunga Oduor (7) and Trevor Morgan Ochieng (4) met their untimely demise around 3pm on Friday, while playing next to the dilapidated semi-permanent house.

According to Siaya County police commandant Cleti Kimaiyo, the matter was reported by East Yimbo location chief Mr. Patric Ochola.

Cleti disclosed that when police officers from Got Matar police post and DCI officers from Bondo visited the scene, they established that the two children died on the spot after sustaining fatal injuries to their chests, heads, and broken limbs.

The police boss further explained that the walls of the abandoned house were weak after strong winds had earlier blown off the roof.

He further revealed that the two bodies were moved to Bondo Sub County hospital mortuary for post-mortem and preservation as investigations continue.

By Kevin Barasa

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of science and technology students and staff use about Sh60 million annually on gambling activities, a research report has revealed.

According to Gambling Effects among vulnerable groups in Public Universities (GEPU) research conducted at the university between February and July this year, the students and staff spend over Sh1.2 million on gambling activities such as online betting on football matches, aviator, wheel spinning, cards and playing pool each week.

The research findings reveal that over 70% of both students and staff are engaged in gambling activities with 27.5 % of the students sampled being categorised to have fallen into high risk level of gambling while 41.6% (students) and 4.8%(staff) categorised as moderate risk by the Canadian Problem Gambling Severity index tool.

The study which was sponsored by the Bristol University Hub for gambling harms research sampled a total of 385 students and 21 staff members through snowball and purposive sampling respectively and utilised focused group discussions to gather information from student leadership and student religious groups at the institution.

Speaking during the release of the findings, the university vice chancellor Prof Emily Akuno termed the findings as accurate but intolerable adding that while the findings have painted a grim picture at the institution it provides an opportunity for them to put things in order and upscale lessons learnt to other institutions of higher learning in the country as well.

“When I first read the report, I immediately understood why there are long queues at registrar’s offices of students asking for more time to pay their school fees, I understood why we have a rise in cases of students missing classes or having problems with their accommodations," Prof Akuno said.

This is the point where you feel that “the earth should stop spinning and you get out”. Its’ unacceptable yet as management together with external entities we have to work together to stem the vice” Prof Akuno added.

She said the university through its governing council will consider changing its fee payment policy to deter gambling after it emerged from the report that the students mainly use funds from the Higher Education Loans Board meant for fees to engage in gambling activities where rampant loss of money has been reported.

“From the report it is clear that the students gamble using HELB loans or pocket money from parents, some even steal the money or sell their belongings to gamble while our staff take loans to engage in the vice” the vice chancellor remarked

According to the findings released, on average, the students and staff win bets amounting to Sh3.5 million each week but also lose bets amounting to Sh3.7 million each week indicating an average loss of Sh200,000 over the same period.

The findings indicate that male students (69%) engaged in betting more than their female counterparts (30%) with male staff (95%) compared to female staff (5%) engaging in gambling activities with the hope of making more money to support their lifestyles.

Students and staff who profess Christian faith were found to be more prone to gambling (61%) compared to their Muslim counterparts (9.5%) while the remaining 28% professed no religious attachments.

Second year students undertaking arts and humanity courses (77%) were found to be the highest gamblers compared to students undertaking science based or other courses according to the research report.

The study Principal Investigator Gregory Juma pointed out that the study found out that gambling at the institution not only led to rampant loss of money but also poor academic performance and reduction in work productivity among students and staff who engaged in gambling.

Juma who is a PhD student at the institution added that they recorded cases of strained relationships among students and psychological problems where both students (14%) and staff (57%) engaged in gambling had suicidal thoughts.

The team of researchers behind the study who include Prof Joseph Bosire (quantitative), Prof Makori Omoke (qualitative), Prof Pamela Raburu and Dr. Ruth Otieno observed that although gambling is legal in Kenya, stronger policies are required to regulate the industry which currently has over 120 companies running the show.

The research findings proposed upscaling of the research to other public universities in the country with the aim of unearthing harmful effects of gambling at institutions of higher learning.

JOOUST University is also looking at the possibility of reaching out to betting companies to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility activities at the institutions of higher learning in the country for the benefit of both students and staff.

Na Zuleikha Salim 

Watu wawili walifariki huku wengine 10 wakijeruhiwa kwenye ajali usiku wa kuamkia leo katika barabara kuu ya Gitaru kuelekea Kikuyu kaunti ya Kiambu. Ajali hiyo ilihusisha basi la shule na trela.

Maafisa wa polisi wanasema kuwa ajali hiyo ilijiri baada ya dereva wa basi la shule kupoteza mwelekeo, na kugongana ana kwa ana na trela. Mkuu wa polisi katika eneo hilo Michael Muchiri, amesema kuwa wakati wa tukio hilo, basi hilo halikuwa limewabeba wanafunzi.

Hata hivyo, kulikuwa na abiria ikizingatiwa kuwa basi hilo lilikuwa limekodishwa. Majeruhi walipelekwa hospitalini kupokea matibabu, wakati miili ya waliofariki ikihifadhiwa katika chumba cha wafu.

Uchunguzi kuhusu tukio hilo unaendelea.

Ajali hiyo ilijiri baada ya maamlaka ya kitaifa ya usafiri na usalama barabarani (NTSA), kuwahimiza watumiaji wa barabara kuwa makini wakati shule zinapotarajiwa kufunguliwa kwa muhula watatu, mnamo Jumatatu.

Ikumbukwe kwamba miungano ya kutetea maslahi ya walimu nchini, KNUT na KUPPET imetangaza mgomo wa kitaifa wa walimu, ishara kwamba huenda shule zisifunguliwe kama ilivyopangwa, Jumatatu.

By Jabali Media

Members of Parliament (MPs) have raised concerns over the revelation that the State Department of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, under the Ministry of Mining spent Sh2 million on supply of office tea.

Legislatures questioned the justification for such a significant amount of money being allocated to what many see as a routine office expense.

Appearing before members of the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Thursday, Principal Secretary (PS) for Shipping and Maritime Affairs Geoffrey Kaituko, was also put to task over the Sh28 million disbursed as per diems.

In defence, Kaituko stated that Sh11.7 was disbursed to officers who carried out field activities, while Sh2.1 million catered for the supply of office tea and other operations.

‘‘We need to know if the head of accounts can differentiate between claims, and per diems, especially in cases where significant amounts, like Sh2 million are allocated for questionable purposes,’’ said Soy MP David Kiplagat, a member of the watchdog committee.

“We need public officers who are more transparent, those who won’t come and defend mistakes that are clearly evident to everyone,’’ added Butere MP Tindi Mwale, the session’s chairperson.

The suspicious spending was uncovered in the Auditor General’s report for the June 2021 to June 2022 period.  


By Zuleikha Salim

Born and bred in Likoni, Mombasa County, hardship was part and parcel of Mwanaidi Ishack from an early age.

Her childhood was marred by struggles occasioned by poverty, loss and the constant shadow of uncertainty.

The world became a daunting place for her, filled with obstacles that seemed insurmountable, but the will to break from the chains of struggle remained alive and kicking.

‘’Days blurred into nights of pain and despair and every step forward felt like two steps back,” she said.  

After the tragic loss of her beloved mother, at the age of 16, Mwanaidi’s life took a dark turn when her father remarried. Growing up under a step mother was not a walk in the park.

Her dad was not a constant figure at home, as he was always travelling for work related ventures, leaving enough room for the mother to carry on with her colonial-like relationship with her.    

Her stepmother, cold and unkind, treated her with disdain and cruelty. “I faced harsh treatment and sorrow but I didn’t let my spirit get broken,’’ she says.

“My step mother used to put a knife on fire, before pulling it on me even at the slightest provocation,” she narrated painfully.

In the face of all the adversity visited upon her by the mum, she was always a brilliant student with big dreams, envisioning herself walking across the stage of graduation with a degree in hand. The challenges at home made her work even harder in school.

“The obstacles slowly transformed my pain into power.”

Mwanaidi emerged stronger, wiser and full of hope for a bright future. Later, she joined Maseno University and pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Education course, managing to graduate after four years.

Currently, the 27-year-old is a teacher at Lakeside Primary School in Kisumu, having emerged winner against challenges thrown against her by the stepmother.

She urged anyone going through similar challenges to depend on God and have hope for a better future.

“Don’t look at what you are facing now, look ahead for a brighter future,” she noted. 

According to Muslim Leader at the Masjid Issa bin Mariam (Jesus Son of Mary Mosque) in Kaloleni Estate, Sheikh Abubakar Hamisi, everyone faces trials and tribulations in life that test faith and resilience, ranging from personal loss, financial hardships or emotional struggles.

He said adversity is an inevitable part of everyone’s journey.

‘‘One of the most important virtues during times of adversity is patience,’’ he advised.

Adversity, he added, is not just for personal victory but serves as a beacon of hope for those still fighting their own battles.

By Zuleikha Salim

Five Machakos County government employees have been charged with stealing medicine from two dispensaries in Masinga Sub County.

Clinical officer Mathenge Ndungi and nurse Pauline Kiura were presented before Kithimani Law Courts, accused of stealing medicines worth Sh14,676 from Kaewa dispensary on April 27, 2024.

In a concurrent case, Mathenge and nurse Benson Chuma, alongside watchman Benson Mutinda and a cleaner were charged with stealing medicines worth Sh30,74 from Intunduimuni dispensary.

They pleaded not guilty, before Principal Magistrate Paul Matanda.

They were released on a Sh100,000 bond, or an alternative cash bail of Sh50,000 each.

The case will be mentioned on September 4, with hearing being set for October 01, 2024. 

By Leonard Murunga 

Tharaka Nithi governor Muthomi Njuki has called on devolved units to remain vigilant against the spread of Mpox disease.

The second term county boss who doubles up as the chairman of the Health Committee in the Council of Governors (CoG), said counties were working closely with the national government, in a bid to contain the spread of the disease.

According to governor Njuki, there is an established reporting system that is being used to monitor the disease and its possible spread, adding that those at risk of contracting the disease include the elderly.

“The government has decided to create awareness as a measure against spread of the virus,” he added.

So far, Kisii and Kiambu counties have reported suspected cases. Beyond the Kenyan borders, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reported their first Mpox cases at the end of July, 2024.

Mpox (monkeypox), according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a viral illness caused by the monkeypox virus, a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus.

Common symptoms of mpox are a skin rash or mucosal lesions which can last 2–4 weeks accompanied by fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy, and swollen lymph nodes.

Mpox can be transmitted to humans through physical contact with someone who is infectious, with contaminated materials, or with infected animals. Anyone can get Mpox.

Laboratory confirmation of mpox is done by testing skin lesion material by PCR. Mpox is treated with supportive care. Vaccines and therapeutics developed for smallpox and approved for use in some countries can be used for mpox in some circumstances.

In 2022–2023 a global outbreak of mpox was caused by a strain known as clade IIb. Mpox can be prevented by avoiding physical contact with someone who has mpox. 


By Jabali Media

Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs Hassan Ali Joho on Tuesday reassured Kisumu leaders that the proposed Sh2.5 billion Kabonyo Kanyagwal Fisheries and Aquaculture Research and Training Centre project, will proceed as planned.

The mega fisheries project was commissioned by President William Ruto in October 2023, before it faced delays due to massive backflow of water from Lake Victoria.

Joho, speaking when he paid a courtesy to Kisumu governor Anyang’ Nyong’o said Kisumu leaders don’t have to lose sleep over the implementation of the project.

“I want to assure you that we are going to work with the County Government and donors to Fastrack this project,’’ said the former Mombasa governor.

His reassurance came on the backdrop of Nyong’o having raised the red flag over the imminent delay to kickstart the multimillion project, even after President Ruto launched it as one of Kenya Kwanza administration’s flagship projects in Kisumu.

The project aims to bolster fish farming in the Lake Victoria region, enhancing food security and nutrition, and was set to transform the region’s fishing industry by producing up to 10 million fingerlings annually.

The Kabonyo-Kanyagwal fisheries project is sponsored by the Hungarian Embassy. Recently, the Hungarian Project Coordinator Zsoti Audai said structures have been put in place to fast-track the project, the first one of its kind in Africa.


“Kabonyo Kanyagwal will be the first project of this nature in Africa,” he said. They have implemented projects of this nature in South-East Asia and Pakistan.

Joho also disclosed plans to identify key fishing landing sites and collaborate with local fishermen to select individuals for training in advanced fishing methods.

Governor Nyong’o said the fisheries project, if fully implemented, will boost the domestic economy and improve millions of livelihoods who derive their lives directly or indirectly through the fish industry.

Kisumu West MP Rosa Buyu called for more resources to be allocated to maritime affairs, emphasising the need for enhanced support in this sector.



Na Leonard Murunga 

Serikali imetakiwa kutimiza matakwa ya walimu, ili kuzuia mgomo wa kitaifa wa walimu unaonukia, shule zinapotarajiwa kufunguliwa kwa muhula wa tatu, mnamo Jumatatu.

Mgomo wa walimu umeitishwa na miungano ya kutetea maslahi yao, KNUT na KUPPET, kushinikiza kutekelezwa kwa mkataba wa maelewano ya pamoja – CBA.

Akizungumza jijini Kisumu, mwenyekiti wa chama cha wazazi nchini tawi la Nyanza Jackson Omollo Ogweno, amemtaka rais William Ruto kutatua zogo kati ya walimu na tume ya kutathmini mishahara ya wafanyakazi wa umma nchini (SRC) na Tume ya Huduma kwa Walimu (TSC), kulingana na mkataba huo wa CBA.

“Ikiwa unawapenda watoto wa Kenya, tunakuomba rais wetu William Ruto kulinda mstakabili wa watoto hawa kwa kuitisha mkutano wa dharura kuhusu suala hili ili kuzuia mgomo wa walimu,” alisema Ogweno.  

Aidha, mwenyekiti huyo amesema kuwa wao kama wazazi hawatafumba jicho wakati masomo ya wanafunzi yakivurugwa kutokana na mzozo unaoendelea kati ya walimu na serikali, hasa wakati huu mitihani ya kitaifa inapobisha hodi.

“Serikali inafaa kukoma kufanya mchezo na suala la elimu nchini, kwa sababu elimu ndio msingi wa taifa lolote lile. Tunahitaji viongozi kuliwajibikia suala hili,” akasema Ogweno.  

Vile vile, ametoa wito kwa serikali kuongeza mgao wa pesa za wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari, na kuzituma kwa wakati mwafaka ili kuepuka mkanganyiko unaoshuhudiwa na wanafunzi wakiwa shuleni.

Kauli ya Ogweno imejiri saa chache baada ya Waziri wa Leba Alfred Mutua, kuwahakikishia wakenya kuwa atajitahidi ipasavyo ili kuzuia mgomo wa walimu au wafanyakazi wengine, wakiwemo wauguzi.  

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